Tuesday, October 25, 2016






Montag, 24 25 26



Tobias besorgt  im Gartencenter Schnittlauch, Petersilie und Majoran .



im Gartencenter を入れる場所。英語の感覚だとつい最後にいれてしまいます。




Übermorgen besorgt Tobias im gartencenter Schnittlauch, Petersile und Majoran.



Thursday, September 15, 2016

Japanese bathing manner




Many tourists and expats make mistakes at Japanese pubric bath or hot springs .

They often bath with underwear.

People take a bath in bare.

You have to “kakeyu” before  bathing, too.

It is the practice of putting hot water in a pail and pouring it over your body  before bathing.

Because many people use the same bath, it is important to cleanse yourself before you get in.

The kakeyu ritual also helps acclimate your body to the very hot water.

Remember not to put your towel in the bath water, because that is considerd unclean.


Japanese pubric bath is very hot.

That is a legacy of Edo period.

It was sonsidered essential for counstruction workers, who come from all over Japan to build the new capital, to stay fit for hard labor by sweating in a hot bath every day.

They say the water was hot enough to amaze a Duych physician who visited Japan near the end of the era.


Viele Touristen und tapsen ex-machen Fehler am japanischen pubric Bad oder heiße Frühlinge.

Sie häufig Bad mit der Unterkleidung.

Leute nehmen ein bloßes Bad an.

Sie haben zu "kakeyu" vor dem Baden auch.

Es ist die Praxis, heißes Wasser in einem Eimer zu stellen und es über Ihren Körper vor dem Baden zu gießen.

Weil viele Menschen dasselbe Bad verwenden, ist es wichtig, sich zu reinigen, bevor Sie hineingelangen.

Das kakeyu Ritual hilft auch, sich Ihr Körper zum sehr heißen Wasser zu akklimatisieren.

Merken Sie sich, Ihr Handtuch im Badewasser nicht zu stellen, weil das unrein considerd ist.


Japanisches pubric Bad ist sehr heiß.

Das ist ein Vermächtnis der Periode von Edo.

Es war sonsidered Hauptsache für counstruction Arbeiter, die von überall in Japan kommen, um das neue Kapital zu bauen, passend für die harte Arbeit zu bleiben, indem sie in einem heißen Bad jeden Tag schwitzen.

Sie sagen, dass das Wasser heiß genug war, um einen Arzt von Duych in Erstaunen zu setzen, der Japan in der Nähe vom Ende des Zeitalters besucht hat.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Japanese matcha

Japanese matcha is becoming globally recognized.

There are many matcha sweets, chocolate, cake, cookies, and so on.

I like Starbucks' matcha latte .

I've heard that Starbucks calls its matcha beverage a "green tea latte".

Matcha is a kind of green tea.

The production method differs from other green tea varieties.

While tea leaves are generally kneaded after steaming, matcha is not kneaded but dried,
then stoneground.

Recent studies say matcha is effective in preventing life style diseases and stemming the effects of aging.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Awa Odori–Japanse traditional dance in Tokushima



Awa Odori was originally danced in Tokushima,

on the island of Shikoku, over 400 years ago.

The season peaks with the dance in the city of Tokushima,

which starts on 12. Aug.


You can see this dance in Tokyo.

I visit  there every year.

The oldest regular Awa Odori dance outside Tokushima Prefecture is the one

in Koenji, in Tokyo’s Suginami Ward.

It wad first held in 1957 to liven up a shopping street.

The dance is popular nationwide because it is characterized by the jovial and

energetic up-tempo rhythm, allowing each group, or “ren,” to dance in various ways.


The audience chat “odoruahou ni miru ahou onaji aho nara odoranya sonson ! ”

In English, that would be, “ It’s a fool dances and a fool who watches. If both are fools,

you might as well have fun dancing! “ Some Awa dance festivals welcome unofficial participants.

It is not difficult to dance.


Tuesday, August 2, 2016

The future career of Japansese children


Japanese chirdren goes to  junior high schools after  graduation  from  elementary schools.

High schools  have a usual course and a commercial course, an agricultural course, an industrial course, but

If you have the graduation qualification of the high school,

you can advance to the physical science and the faculty of liberal arts.

In other words , I can choose  the medical department ande become a doctor even if I leave the high school of the commerce department.

In addition, I may find a job in the IT-related company even if I learn literature at a university.


According to the one’s elementary school result, it is decided whether you can go to the university in German.

It is criticized for early decision of childrens’ future.



In Japan, there are many people to go to the university, but

It is said that many Japanese student is low level.

There are too many students who cannot do a fraction.

There are many student who cannot choose their career, too.

They are  troubled what kind of work he choose in the case of finding employment.


Many young people resigns jobs immediately  even if they can find  jobs.




Japanischer chirdren geht zu Mittelstufen nach der Graduierung von Grundschulen.

Höhere Schulen haben einen üblichen Kurs und einen kommerziellen Kurs, einen landwirtschaftlichen Kurs, einen Industriekurs, aber

Wenn Sie die Graduierungsqualifikation der Höheren Schule haben,

Sie können zur physischen Wissenschaft und der Fakultät von Geisteswissenschaften vorwärts gehen.

Mit anderen Worten kann ich wählen die medizinische Abteilung werden ande ein Arzt, selbst wenn ich die Höhere Schule der Handel-Abteilung verlasse.

Außerdem kann ich einen Job in IHM - verwandte Gesellschaft finden, selbst wenn ich Literatur an einer Universität erfahre.


Gemäß jemandes Grundschule-Ergebnis wird es entschieden, ob Sie zur Universität in Deutsch gehen können.

Es wird für die frühe Entscheidung der Zukunft von Kindern kritisiert.


In Japan gibt es viele Menschen, um zur Universität zu gehen, aber

Es wird gesagt, dass vieler japanischer Student niedrige Stufe ist.

Es gibt zu viele Studenten, die keinen Bruchteil tun können.

Es gibt viele Student, der ihre Karriere auch nicht wählen kann.

Sie werden beunruhigt, welche Arbeit er im Fall von der Entdeckung der Beschäftigung wählt.


Viele junge Menschen geben Jobs sofort auf, selbst wenn sie Jobs finden können.

















Friday, July 29, 2016

Sightseeing of encountering cats



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Dogs were more popular than cats in Japan.

However, there are more people having a cat than  a dog recently.


Not only the domestic cat but also the wild cat become popular.

There are  some sightseeing spots where cats becomes" excellent supporting actors" .

How is the trip intended to encounter cats?




Onomichi is the shooting place of many Japanese movies .

There are many  attractive historic buildings in the town.

Shinto shrines,  Buddhist temples are the highlight.

Many wild cats are in "The narrow path of the cats”.

The combination of stone stairway and cats is ideal to take the photograph.


Many wild cats also lives in Nagasaki.

There are many cats bending tail.

It is said that  bending tail cats  has happiness.



Gotokuji of Tokyo is famous as a temple of the beckoning cat.

The lucky charm of the beckoning cat is popular to travelers.


Thursday, July 28, 2016

Japanese love beer garden



Japanese love beer garden(drinking  beer outdoors).

Dropping by a beer garden is the best way to spend a hot and humid Japanese summer evening.


Beer gardens are often opened at a rooftop of a department store or a building.

The first rooftop beer garden opened in Osaka in 1953, but it has been ommon to drink beer outside

since 1875.

It was around that time Japan’s first commercially successful brewery, called Spring Valley Brewery, opened.


Beer gardens continue to evolve.

They are now standing beer gardens and ones with seats for solitary drinkers.


Friday, June 3, 2016

How to meet with a Geisha in Kyoto


Geisha is icon of Japan.

If you can meet one, it will definitely be the highlight of your trip.

But how do you meet Geisha?


It is hard to see Maiko or Geiko in Kyoto.

If you see a woman with full-make up and gorgeous kimono in the day,

she must be a tourist in costume.

There are a many places in Kyoto where tourist can pay to be dressd up as a Maiko and walk around Gion as a part of touring experience.


You sometimes see Maiko at Gion area in the evening.

They are offerd to engagement.

You must not force to take photos, call out to , shake hands with because they are going to work.

What you can do is just to see in the street.


If you want to meet maiko, there are some event or restaurant where maiko and geiko entertain the guests.

At the Kaburenjyo theater in Kamishichiken, there is a beer garden that is open to everyone during this sommer(July and August).

You can meet maiko and geiko there.


If you want to know more, this page will help you.



Friday, May 27, 2016

Japanese Tea

This is the season of picking flesh tea.
“Shincya” is sold in May.

Tea leaves are picked several times a year.
“Shincya” is made from the first leaves of spring.
It has less caffeine and catechins (the source of bitterness) than teas made from older leaves harvested in summer and fall.
It also has more amino acids, the source of umami and sweetness.

At some tea farms, passengers can pick flesh tea leaves.

Japanese people loves tea.
Japanese tea is beautiful green.
That comese from immediate heat processing of the leaves, which prevents fermentation.

You can get  plastic bottoles of Japanese tea at convenience store.
But it is more elegant to serve tea from “Kyusu”(Japanese tea pot).

Tea ceremony is Japanese traditional culture.
You can enjoy traditionl style of tea ceremony too.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

The summit and Japanese pearls


Ise-Shima summit will be held this week.

Ise-Shima, Mie prefecture is famous for pearls.

Pearl pins will be given to the visiting heads of state, and that there is an island in the prefecture named Pearl Island.

The island, which is not far from the summit venue, is a Mie native by the name of Kokichi Mikimoto became a successful pearl farmer.

Mikimoto is a perl brand and has a famous building at Ginza, Tokyo.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Mamachari–Japanese bicycle

I everyday take “mamachari”, a kinds of bicycle.
It is very usefle to carry children.
“Mamachari”  is different from regular bicycles in several ways.

Cup noodle of “BUBUKA” , Japanese oil soba

It is very hard to go to the ramen shop with children.
There are many popular ramen shops where there is only a counter and narrow space.
It is unsuitable for a child to let sit down anyware.
I have not been going to the ramen shop that I used to go when I was a bachelor either.
There are few good ramen shops I go to with children.
I can taste the flavor of the well-known ramen shop with cup noodles recently.
Of course, it is different from eating in a shop.
I am thankful of the taste of delicious ramen soup.

This photograph is cup noodles of “Bubuka”.
It is the first ramen shop of the “oil soba” without soup.
Many shops sell these menus now,
I think that “Bubuka” is the best.

ぶぶか 高田馬場2号店

There was a shop of “Bubuka” with tables.
However,  the closing of  shops continues,
the only shop is in Kichijoji.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Randoseru and the New school term

The new school term begins in April in Japan.
My children goes to school.

An entrance ceremony is held on April.
You can see cherry blossom and children with new randoseru.
It is Japansese beautiful spring scene.

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Randoseru is popular to overseas as a fashionable bag.
However , we think it is  only  for children, so adults hardly have randoresu.

More than 20years ago, randoseru became in fashion.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Red and Wite


You often see the combination of red and white at celebrations in Japan.


It calls “Kohaku”.


Kohaku has deeply meaningful for Japanese people.


For example,   the stage has a red and white striped curtain at a wedding ceremony, an entrance ceremony, a company ceremony.




They often hand out red and white buns with a bean-jam filling or rice cakes at these ceremony.


There are many theories about the prevalance of the combination.

The most popular one dates back to 12th century,

when the two leading clans, the Tairas, or Heike and the Minamotos, or Genji,fought a series of battles.

The conflict ended with the fall of the House of Taira and the establishment of the Kamakura government by the Minamotos.

The Taira clan flew red flags on the battlefield, while the Minamoto side used white ones, so red and white came to represent the opposing forces.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Japanese personal seal

There are many documents in Japan that require a personal seal.

I had a personal seal made when I came of age at 20.

I need it to open a bank account.

We use personal seals when we recieve our packages.


They say such seals date back more than 5000 years, to acient Mesopotamia.

The concept made its way to Europe and China, then Japan.


In these days, there are vorious design of seals.




They are able to use as official seals.


There are more cases in which a signature is acceptable,

but you may order your own seal,  you can enjoy Japanese style more.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Japanse curry and rice

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I made curry and rice for dinner this evening.
My children like it very much.
In Japan, when people say “curry”, it often means “curry and rice”.
Japanese curry and rice originates from Indian curry, which was introduced to Japan through England.
Japanese people often eat curry and rice both in restaurants and at home.
It is representative of home cooking and is a symbol of  “good old home cooking”.
Homemade curry and rice is full of ingredients.
Common ingredients are meats, potatoes,carrots, and onions.
How to made Japanese curry and rice is:
stir-fry cutting ingredients and put some water in apot ;
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simmer them until ingredients becomes soft;
and add solid instant curry roux.
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There are many kinds of instant curry roux.
Curry is put over warm rice.
I used mild curry roux for children.
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Japamese curry is not spicy than Indian curry even though dry curry.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Sakuramochi, Japanese sweets

I ate sakuramochi yesterday.

This is traditional Japanese sweets, using cherry leaves.

We eat sakuramochi in this season.

The cherry leaves have adistinct aroma and salty.

The azuki-bean filling kicked in it is sweet.

The combination of salitiness and sweetness is very addictive.


Sakuramochi comes in two types.

This is the western version, calllled “domyoji”.




It is made with steamed sticky-rice flower and

has a sticker texture.


This is the eastern version, called “cyomeiji”.

The pink parts around the bean paste is made of

baked diluted wheat flour.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Japanese instant noodles , get at Tokyo Soramachi(Tokyo Skytree)

There are a  shop of instant noodles in Tokyo Soramachi (Tokyo Sky Tree).

I bought  some instant noodles.


It is the instant ramen printed  Bonito man.

It is made in Kouchi prefecture.

This ramen’s soupstock is made from boiled bonito and spicy miso.


“Toyama Black” is very black ramen, made in Toyama prefecture.

It has a lot of black pepper.


The soupstock of ramen of Rumoi, Hokkaido is made from shrimp and solt, miso.

The moe-kyara is printed in the package of this ramen.

The soup had a rich tasete of shrimp.


The price of a instant noodles is about 250 yen.

You can enjoy various taste of a ramen.


Yakan-tei sells various instant noodles. 

It has many shops in Japan, and you can get in the internet shop.



Tokyo Skytree

Map picture





Friday, March 18, 2016

Rakugo-traditional Japanese comic storytelling


Rakugo is traditional Japanese comic storytelling.

A single performer plays several ddifferent characters.

Thery are proffessional storyteller.

They use “sensu”, a handheld fan, and a “tenugui”, a small hand towel,

to represent various object in stories .

For example, chopsticks, a stick.

Some proffessional rakugo performer plays in English.

Many Japanese universities have Rakugo clubs, and

you can learn Rakugo.

To be a proffessional Rakugo performer , you have to

get appreticeship with a master.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Kumamon and a strawberry in japan

It is strawberry season in Japan.
They sell many different kinds of strawberries in supermarkets.

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This is a strawberry named “Hinosizuku” harvested in Kumamoto Prefecture.
It is less acidity than other strawberries.
It is sweet, juicy, and soft
It is delicious to eat by itself.

The character printed in the package of strawberry is named “Kumamon”.
Kumamon  is a mascot created for Kumamoto Prefecture’s PR.
He is popular overseas.

In this season, there are also many kinds of sweets made from strawberries.
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This is a pie made from Amaouin that's harvested in Hakata, Fukuoka.

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Monday, March 14, 2016

The delicious sponge cake in Nagasaki and shops selling local specialties

In Japan, there are a lot of delicious foods that one can only eat and buy in a particular local area.

We have to go to those places to get these things, but in Tokyo, there are shops called "antenna shop" selling local specialties in Tokyo.
They are popular because  you can buy local specialties in Tokyo.

  "Kasudosu" is a sponge cake that is sold only int the sweet shop "Tsutaya" in Hirado, Nagasaki.
The shop is established 500 years ago.
“Kasudosu” is a sponge cake coverd in a sugar syrup.
Although you are only able to buy it in Nagasaki,
you can also buy it in Tokyo, Nagasaki "antenna shop", that sells local Nagasaki specialties.
I recommend it for  people who like sweets or who feel Japanse sweets are not sweet enough.

1-10-2 yotsuya sinnkyukuku Tokyo
Nagasaki Yokamon Ichiba

431 Kihikitamati Hirado-City Nagasaki

Friday, March 11, 2016

Panda shapede sweets in Ueno Park

Japan will celebrate the most beautiful season of the year soon.

This is because cherry blossoms will begin to bloom.

March 20th is the anticipated flowering date for cherry blossoms in Tokyo .
A week after flowering,
it will become a full bloom.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

What I bought at the 100-yen store

100-yen store are popular with foreigners coming to Japan .
I love them too.
The other day, I bought a lovely aluminum foil with a My Melody pattern.

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Since it is very cute,
my daughter also likes it.
I use it In order to wrap  rice balls for  a packet lunch.

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Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Sweet and delicious Japanese carrot

"Hekinan beauty" is a kind of carrot, harvested in Hekinan direction, Aichi, Japan.

This sort of carrot is sold only in Chukyou. and is  hard to get in Tokyo.

It is a vivid red and beautiful carrot.

It does not have the  distinctive smell of carrot.

Japanese people rarely eat uncooked carrots.

However, I ate this carrot in salad and juice.

It was delicious and sweet.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

ChickenRamen Gotti in Togane, Chiba

The other day,

I went to the ramen shop "Gotti" in Togane,  Chiba.

The most popular  item on the menu is Sio(salty) ramen .

This is ramen in a whitish chicken-bone soup.

The soup is thick and creamy.

The stewed soup  is thickened for along time.

The taste of chicken and salt is very mellow and delicious !

The toppings are  a barbecued pork, onions,  spinach, and dried seaweed.

The soup is so thickend, and stick to noodles .

By the time you finish eating, there are no soup.

Since I was hungry, I thought to choice large serving.

But I choiced normal serving,

It was good choice, I was full.
I ordered the soy sauce ramen  for my children,It was delicious!

Taste of  dried sardine is  firm,

they  drunk the soup.

Image was borrowed from the shops of the page.

Ramen  GOTTI

1-12 higasiiwasaki Togane City, Chiba

Regular holiday: Monday

濃厚鶏らーめん ゴッチにいってきました。







283-0058 千葉県東金市東岩崎1-12
濃厚鶏らーめん ゴッチ

Monday, March 7, 2016

the Doll's festival

March 3 was the Doll’ s Festival of Japan.
The doll's  Festival of Japan is a festival to celebrate the growth of a girl.

When the girl is born, the maternal grandparents  buy the dolls.
Representing the state of the wedding of the nobility of the Heian period.
It is very elaborate. Price is also expensive,  more than $1000.
Even those that more than $10000 .

In addition to the bride and groom , there are a lot of dolls and tools such as attendant and  bride tools . 

I decorated the dolls at home, and celebrated in the soup of clam  and sushi.

This is the candy and jelly for the doll's festivai.

So much  expensive doll, but next day  will be put away.
Because it is said to not put it away, your daughter can not marry.







Saturday, March 5, 2016

Hello world!

Hello! I’m Yumiko.
From Kyoto.Living in Tokyo.
I have three children.

In this blog, I will write about meals,
favorite sweets,and ramen.

Nice to meet you! 

