Friday, October 6, 2017

A trick to sitting straight

You have to sit straight a Japanese traditional room.

Seiza (sitting straight) is to sit in the correct manner on a Japanese tatami mat.

You’ll think that it is tough to keep sitting on your heels with your legs folded.

People who are not used to Seiza have a foot numb.

There is a trick to sitting straight. You can reduce the weight on your legs, and the numbless, if you cross your big toes slightly and sit between the open ankles instead.

Seiza has long been one of the basics of Japanese arts, including martial arts.

They say holding the posture tones your abdominal and back muscles, while slow breathing and relaxed shoulders promote peace of mind.

The position is also called “kashikomaru”, often used in the past tense to mean “certainly, sit or ma’am”.

It comes from the practice of sitting straight as an expression of humility in Buddhist and Shinto ceremonies.