Monday, November 13, 2017

Early English education in Japan


My children are a cough and mucus and go to a hospital  this week.

A cold is spreading in the elementary school and the kindergarten, and the hospital was full of children of a cold.

Though myself do not completely recover from tonsillitis either, my family catch cold one after the other.

I think that we must receive the vaccination because it is the season when influenza is popular from now on.

I study English and German besides child care.

It is for one's pleasure not work.

Many children go to the English conversation class in Japan since they are small.

An expensive English teaching materials are selling well.

I do not have time to let my children go to the class because there are many children.

I cannot afford to buy the expensive teaching materials.

But my children listen to music and watch an animated cartoon in English.

The English results in the school should be good, but want them to enjoy it without  Englishphobia.

Meine Kinder sind Husten und Schleim und gehen in ein Krankenhaus in dieser Woche.

Eine Erkältung breitet sich in der Grundschule und dem Kindergarten aus, und das Krankenhaus war voll von Kindern einer Erkältung.

Obwohl ich nicht vollständig von Mandelentzündung entweder erholt, meine Familie fangen kalt nach dem anderen.

Ich denke, dass wir die Impfung erhalten müssen, weil es die Jahreszeit ist, wenn die Grippe von jetzt an populär ist.

Ich studiere neben der Kinderbetreuung Englisch und Deutsch.

Es ist für ein Vergnügen nicht zu arbeiten.

Viele Kinder gehen auf die englische Konversation Klasse in Japan, da Sie klein sind.

Ein teures englisches Lehrmaterial verkauft gut.

Ich habe keine Zeit, damit meine Kinder in die Klasse gehen, weil es viele Kinder gibt.

Ich kann es mir nicht leisten, die teuren Unterrichtsmaterialien zu kaufen.

Aber meine Kinder hören Musik und sehen eine animierte Cartoon in englischer Sprache.

Die englischen Ergebnisse in der Schule sollten gut sein, aber wollen, dass Sie es ohne Englishphobia genießen.












Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Tonsillitis and cold Japanese house


My tonsils have swelled up from last week and I were troubled by high heat of 39 degrees Celsius.

I had a  sore throat, and couldn’t eat anything.

I had to cancel the nursing and milking because taking medicine.

It was troubled that it increased to have to do.

At last the pain of the throat is relieved to go down.

Because the cold days are increasing in the evening in the morning,

I changed into a warm carpet.

It is very conform and easily cleaning.

The friend who came from the foreign country says unanimously that  a Japanese house is cold.

Hokkaido and a northeastern cold area are not bad,

It is impossible to spend with short sleeves in most Japanese houses in winter.

It will be because it takes cost to deal with an earthquake and summer humidity.

A down jacket is sometimes necessary not to mention thick socks and a HeaTetch, fleece in the house.

Meine Mandeln haben von letzter Woche schwollen an und ich waren beunruhigt durch hohe Hitze von 39 Grad Celsius.

Ich hatte Halsschmerzen und konnte nicht alles essen.

Ich musste die Pflege- und Melken, weil Medikamente abbrechen.

Es war beunruhigt, dass es erhöht, um zu tun haben.

Endlich ist der Schmerz im Hals nach unten gehen entlastet.

Da die kalten Tage am Abend morgens steigen,

Ich habe in einem warmen Teppich.

Es ist sehr leicht zu reinigen und entsprechen.

Der Freund, der aus dem Ausland kam, sagt einstimmig, dass ein japanisches Haus kalt ist.

Hokkaido und kalten Nordosten sind nicht schlecht,

Es ist unmöglich, mit kurzen Ärmeln in den meisten japanischen Häusern im Winter zu verbringen.

Es wird, weil es Kosten zu bewältigen, ein Erdbeben und Sommer Luftfeuchtigkeit dauert.

Eine Daunenjacke ist manchmal notwendig, ganz zu schweigen, dicke Socken und ein HeaTetch, Vlies im Haus.














Thursday, October 26, 2017



Japan’s tradituinal faith honors seven deities of good fortune.

Ebisu is one, and he brings prosperity to merchants’shops, and statues of him always feature a smiling face with narrowed eyes.

There is the place called Ebisu in Tokyo.

The name of this area comes from Yebisu, a brand of beer Sapporo Breweries produced in a local factory.

The melody of Yebisu beer’s  commercial song is used to indicate a train departure at Ebisu station.

The honor the name, Ebisu Shrine was established there by transferring parts of the deity’s spirit from Nishinomiya Shrine in Hyogo Prefecture.

Ebisu is enshrined at about 3,500 shrines nationwide.

The home shrine is Nishinomiya.

Commerce has flourished throughout the ages in Kansai, so people honor Ebisu.

Kansai people call him  affectionately “Ebessan”.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Change of temperature in Tokyo and my son’s physical condition

In these days, it is cold like winter in Tokyo.

Though we were in short sleeves until approximately two weeks ago, we need coats for these past several days.

It is the expectation that a typhoon gets closer to on the weekend.

My daughter is going to go for an excursion and  dig sweet potatoes, but may be called off.

I want it to be fine because she looks forward to.


The little son is in poor shape, and his nouse is running and has coughs.

A lot of children of the similar symptom came to when we went to the otorhinologist the day before yesterday.

Because he suffers asthma his cough is severe even if only caught some colds.

I feel very sorry for him.

He is usually very  naughty.

I want him to  get better  because he tries inhalation hard every day.

In diesen Tagen ist es kalt wie im Winter in Tokio.
Obwohl wir in kurzen Ärmeln bis vor etwa zwei Wochen waren, brauchen wir Mäntel für mehrere Tage.
Es ist die Erwartung, der ein Taifun am Wochenende näher kommt.
Meine Tochter ist going to go für einen Ausflug und süße Kartoffeln zu graben, aber abgesagt werden kann.
Ich möchte, dass es in Ordnung zu sein, denn sie freut sich auf.

Der kleine Sohn ist in schlechtem Zustand, und seine Nouse läuft und hat Husten.
Viele Kinder der ähnliche Symptome kam als wir zu den Otorhinologist gingen vorgestern.
Weil er Asthma leidet ist seine Husten schwer, selbst wenn nur einige Erkältungen gefangen.
  Ich fühle mich sehr leid für ihn.
Er ist in der Regel sehr frech.
Ich will ihn, besser zu werden.












Friday, October 6, 2017

A trick to sitting straight

You have to sit straight a Japanese traditional room.

Seiza (sitting straight) is to sit in the correct manner on a Japanese tatami mat.

You’ll think that it is tough to keep sitting on your heels with your legs folded.

People who are not used to Seiza have a foot numb.

There is a trick to sitting straight. You can reduce the weight on your legs, and the numbless, if you cross your big toes slightly and sit between the open ankles instead.

Seiza has long been one of the basics of Japanese arts, including martial arts.

They say holding the posture tones your abdominal and back muscles, while slow breathing and relaxed shoulders promote peace of mind.

The position is also called “kashikomaru”, often used in the past tense to mean “certainly, sit or ma’am”.

It comes from the practice of sitting straight as an expression of humility in Buddhist and Shinto ceremonies.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Salt Ramen

I sometimes eat instant noodles for a lunch and a midnight snack.

Sio (salt) Ramen of Sapporo Ichiban is  one of the most popular instant noodles in Japan.


This type of noodle needs to cook with a pan.

That is a bother than Cup Noodle,  but I sometimes really want to eat it  so much.

Attached sesame is matched with the soup of salt.


It is very delicious as it is, but to put in milk tastes good, too.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

[Today’s seweets]Hotel-made baked cake


Japanese hotel-made confectionery has brand equity.

People often give them for present.

Today’s sweets is the present given to guests at a wedding reception.

Baked cake of Gosenjyaku Hotel in Kamikochi.

Kamikochi is the scenic  national park and visited many people.

This cake contains walnuts.

We love sweets made of ingredients to a particular locality.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Dagashi is cheap but the quality is high.

Dagashi is cheap Japanese junk food snacks for children, but they have high quality and popular to adults.

You can buy them at convenience stores.


The country used to be dotted with mom-and-pop candy shop, dagashi specailty stores, but they are rare today.

Mom-and-pop candey shop sells not only dagashi but also some toys.

My son likes airplanes made of paper.


Dagashi date back to the edo period.

A distinction was made between “jo”, or luxury “gashi” treats made with white sugar, which was expensive, and “da”, or inferior, gashi made with cheaper sweeteners like starch syrup and brown sugar.

I like “kinakobo”, which is made of sugar, starch syrup and other ingredients molded into sticks and coated with “kinako”, or toasted soybean flour.

The sweetness is just right.

They tried to match the sweetness of sun-dried persimmon, which was a popular sweet snack in the days of Edo.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Many Japanese think the Noh play is difficult.


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There is the Noh theater in Ginza.

You can watch Noh performance easily.


However, many Japanese think the Noh play is difficult.

And there are many Japanese who have never viewed the Noh.

I have watched the performance but once.


Nohgaku is on the UNESCO list of intangible cultural heritage assets.

It was included in 2008.

Nohgaku dates back to the Nara period in the 8th century.

The term includes both Noh, a uniquely Japanese style of musical theater, and Kyogen, a comedic style that began around the same time.


Nohgaku plays use over 200 masks.

The mask of Hannya, whose face became distorted like a demon’s due to extreme jealousy.

Noh is often performed in conjection with Kyogen.

They say the comic relief of Kyogen, coupled with the subtle profundity of Noh, soothes the mind.


The tempo of Noh is very slow for modern people.

I felt sleepy during the performance.

At the same time, we notice ourself living in the world time passing  fast.



Es gibt das Noh-Theater in Ginza.
Sie können Noh Leistung leicht beobachten.
Allerdings denken viele Japaner, dass das Noh-Spiel schwierig ist.
Und es gibt viele Japaner, die noch nie die Noh gesehen haben.
Ich habe die Aufführung aber einmal gesehen.
Nohgaku ist auf der UNESCO-Liste der immateriellen Vermögenswerte des kulturellen Erbes.
Es wurde 2008 aufgenommen.
Nohgaku stammt aus der Nara-Periode im 8. Jahrhundert.
Der Begriff umfasst sowohl Noh, ein einzigartig japanischen Stil des Musiktheaters, und Kyogen, ein komödiantischer Stil, der um die gleiche Zeit begann.
Nohgaku spielt über 200 Masken.
Die Maske von Hannya, die Gesicht wurde wie ein Dämon wegen der extremen Eifersucht verzerrt.
Noh wird oft in Übereinstimmung mit Kyogen durchgeführt.
Sie sagen das komische Relief von Kyogen, gepaart mit der subtilen Tiefe von Noh, beruhigt den Geist.
Das Tempo von Noh ist für moderne Menschen sehr langsam.
Ich fühlte mich während der Vorstellung schläfrig.
Gleichzeitig bemerken wir uns, wie wir in der Weltzeit leben.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Every Lapanese girls have Licca-chan dolls.

I have two daughters.

They love playing with Licca-chan dolls.

Licca-chan doll is a dress-up doll.

Japanese girls have loved it for 50 years.

I and my mother had Licca-chan dolls when we are little girls.

Some old Licca-chan dolls are made a deal at a high price.

Licca-chan has a detailed biography.

She was born on May 3 to aFrench father, an orchestra conductor, and a Japanese mother, a designer.

Her full name is Licca Kayama.

She is supposed to be an 11-year old elementary school.


However, for the G-8 Summit in Okinawa in 2000, a special edition Summit Licca-chan was given to all attendees as a gift from Japan.

That doll was supposed to be in her 30s and pursuing a career as a diplomat.

So, Licca-chan is forever 11, and an adult.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Sansai, mountain plant is one of spring feature in Japan.



Japanese people eat “sansai” in spring.

Sansai  is  mountain vegetables, edible wild plant.

I like deep-fried “hukinoto”, or butterbur sprouts.

It has some bitterness, but I understand the bitterness has a medicinal effect.

In the spring, many people suffer from sleeplessness,  irritation and other conditinons.

Seasonal “sansai ”, or mountain vegetables, supposedly help adress such problems.

A lot of people swear by seasonal foods.

Certainly, they are fresh and highly nutritious.

You can buy and eat sansai at local grocery stores and Japanese restaurants.

Some Japanese people pickes at mountain oneself, but some mountain vegetables can be toxic.

So, an amateur is in danger.


Japaner essen "Sansai" im Frühling.

Sansai ist Berg Gemüse, essbare Wildpflanze.

Ich mag frittierte "Hukinoto", oder Pestwurz Sprossen.

Es hat einige Bitterkeit, aber ich verstehe, dass die Bitterkeit eine heilende Wirkung hat.

Viele Menschen leiden im Frühling Schlaflosigkeit, Gereiztheit und andere Conditinons.

Saisonale "sansai" oder Berg Gemüse, angeblich helfen Adresse solche Probleme.

Viele Menschen schwören auf saisonale Lebensmittel.

Sicherlich, sie sind frisch und sehr nahrhaft.

Sie können kaufen und essen in lokalen Lebensmittelgeschäften und japanische Restaurants.

Einige Japaner pickes am Berg selbst, aber einige Berg Gemüse können giftig sein.

Ein Amateur ist in Gefahr.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

I love Takoyaki-Osaka’s popular local specialities


“Takoyaki” (Octpus dumplings) is  one of Osaka’s local popular local specialities.

It is a baked ball of wheat flour of three to five centimeter diameter, into which a small piece of octpus is put.

Not only eating at a stand and a restaurant, but also cooking at home.

I have a takoyaki pan and they say every house int the city owns one.


By most account, takoyaki was created in 1935, when an Osaka restaurant cooked a batter made from flour and stock in the shape of ball, with diced octpus inside.

I sometimes eat rice with takoyaki as the main dish.


Many foreighners surprised that, because that would be like eating rice with bread as entree.

I enjoy takoyaki with variatinons.

I use sausage, rice cake and cheese, shrimp instead of octpus.

Not only that, I cook spanish “ajilio” -dish fried in garlic oil with a takoyaki pan.

I think takoyaki has very possible food.

Thursday, March 2, 2017



Japanese like eating “fugu”, or blowfish, but foreighners surprised at eating poisonous fish.

In the old days, eating  blowfish, was often deadly.

Japan’s Edo government frequently banned consumption of the poisonous fish to prevent unnecessary militaly losses.

Today, blowfish preparation is strictly regulated, so it is safe to eat it in restaurants with licensed processing specialists.



I hear that Osaka accounts for about 60% of the blowfish consumed in Japan.

Most people call the fish fugu, but in Osaka they use the term “teppou”, meaning gun, because it can kill –at least when it is prepared incorrectly.

“Fugu nabe”, or blowfish stew , is called “tecchiri” In Osaka.

It is a shortened form of “chiri nabe”, a simple hot pot, with “teppou”.

Blowfish has a very light flavor.

It tastes great raw, as sashimi, or deep-fried.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Japanese moms struggles with sewing for April.

Hello! I am Ramen Mom.

Since my daughter will soon enter the kindergarten,

I am now making bags for a kid to use in kindergarten.

It is very difficult because I am not good at sewing.

Bags for children must be handmade by mothers in her kindergarten, and ready-maded items.

Some mothers ask their mothers, some buy what they sell as handmade.

Many mothers get handmade bags at  only handling handmade items applications.

When I was a student, I had a home economics lesson.

I have never been sewing since then.

I bought a cloth in December and cut the cloth in January.

I have not sewed yet.

I will do my best to be in time for the entrance in April.


Da meine Tochter bald in den Kindergarten eintreten wird,
Ich mache jetzt Taschen für ein Kind im Kindergarten zu verwenden.
Es ist sehr schwierig, weil ich nicht gut am Nähen bin.
Taschen für Kinder müssen von Müttern in ihrem Kindergarten handgefertigt werden, und fertig-maded Elemente.
Einige Mütter fragen ihre Mütter, einige kaufen, was sie als handgefertigt verkaufen.
Viele Mütter bekommen handgefertigte Taschen nur Handhabung handgefertigte Gegenstände Anwendungen.
Als ich ein Student war, hatte ich eine Hauswirtschaft Lektion.
Seitdem habe ich nie genäht.
Ich kaufte ein Tuch im Dezember und schnitt das Tuch im Januar.
Ich habe noch nicht genäht.
Ich werde mein Bestes tun, um rechtzeitig für den Eintritt im April zu sein.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

“Kiritanpo”is Japanese winter food loves by foreign people

Japanese loves “Nabe” in winter.

Nabe is Japanese steamboat dishes and cooked at the table.

I love  and often eat Nabe .

Nabe is good for housewife, because it is easy to prepare.

I just cut  ingreadients, for example vagetables , meat and fish.

People can get many kinds of soup in the supermarket.

I stocks several kinds of soup bag in winter, so I can eat Nabe anytime I want.




Kiritanpo Nabe is Japanese local food.

It is considered a traditional food of Akita Prefecture, in northern Japan.

Kiritanpo is rice on a stick.

Newly harvested rice is cooked, kneaded, skewered and shapede, then toasted over a charcoal fire.

“Kiri” means cut in Japanese, while “tanpo”refers to a “tanpo-yari”, a training spear tipped with a leather or cloth sheath filled with cotton.


In nabe, cooked rice and noodles are usually added to the broth at the very end (we call it “shime”),

once the other ingredients have been cooked. But kiritanpo goes in at the biginning, with the chicken, vegetabeles and everything else.

They say kiritanpo began as a portable meal carried by mountain hunters, though there are other theories as well.