Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Every Lapanese girls have Licca-chan dolls.

I have two daughters.

They love playing with Licca-chan dolls.

Licca-chan doll is a dress-up doll.

Japanese girls have loved it for 50 years.

I and my mother had Licca-chan dolls when we are little girls.

Some old Licca-chan dolls are made a deal at a high price.

Licca-chan has a detailed biography.

She was born on May 3 to aFrench father, an orchestra conductor, and a Japanese mother, a designer.

Her full name is Licca Kayama.

She is supposed to be an 11-year old elementary school.


However, for the G-8 Summit in Okinawa in 2000, a special edition Summit Licca-chan was given to all attendees as a gift from Japan.

That doll was supposed to be in her 30s and pursuing a career as a diplomat.

So, Licca-chan is forever 11, and an adult.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Sansai, mountain plant is one of spring feature in Japan.



Japanese people eat “sansai” in spring.

Sansai  is  mountain vegetables, edible wild plant.

I like deep-fried “hukinoto”, or butterbur sprouts.

It has some bitterness, but I understand the bitterness has a medicinal effect.

In the spring, many people suffer from sleeplessness,  irritation and other conditinons.

Seasonal “sansai ”, or mountain vegetables, supposedly help adress such problems.

A lot of people swear by seasonal foods.

Certainly, they are fresh and highly nutritious.

You can buy and eat sansai at local grocery stores and Japanese restaurants.

Some Japanese people pickes at mountain oneself, but some mountain vegetables can be toxic.

So, an amateur is in danger.


Japaner essen "Sansai" im Frühling.

Sansai ist Berg Gemüse, essbare Wildpflanze.

Ich mag frittierte "Hukinoto", oder Pestwurz Sprossen.

Es hat einige Bitterkeit, aber ich verstehe, dass die Bitterkeit eine heilende Wirkung hat.

Viele Menschen leiden im Frühling Schlaflosigkeit, Gereiztheit und andere Conditinons.

Saisonale "sansai" oder Berg Gemüse, angeblich helfen Adresse solche Probleme.

Viele Menschen schwören auf saisonale Lebensmittel.

Sicherlich, sie sind frisch und sehr nahrhaft.

Sie können kaufen und essen in lokalen Lebensmittelgeschäften und japanische Restaurants.

Einige Japaner pickes am Berg selbst, aber einige Berg Gemüse können giftig sein.

Ein Amateur ist in Gefahr.