Sunday, January 7, 2018

Hatsumode(one's first visit of the year to a shrine)

Happy New Year!

I visited the neiborhood shrine on New Year’s Day.

Hatsumode is a person’s first visit to a temple or a shrine.

When you visit to a temple or a shrine, be mindful of the differences in prayer manners at shrines and temples.

The ritual is the same at first; washing the left hand, then the right hand with water, ringing the bell and putting a donation in the box.

But at shrines, you're supposed to bow twice, clap twice, pray, then bow.

At the temples to pray with your palms together.

The reason why the practices are different stems from the different origins and purposes of shrines and temples.

Temples are the residences of monks who teach Buddihism, which came to Japan from India via China.

Shrines are the residences of “kami,” or gods, worshipped in indigenous Japanese Shinto faith.

All shrines have a “torii,” or a gate, at the entrance to separate human territory from the realm of the kami.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Early English education in Japan


My children are a cough and mucus and go to a hospital  this week.

A cold is spreading in the elementary school and the kindergarten, and the hospital was full of children of a cold.

Though myself do not completely recover from tonsillitis either, my family catch cold one after the other.

I think that we must receive the vaccination because it is the season when influenza is popular from now on.

I study English and German besides child care.

It is for one's pleasure not work.

Many children go to the English conversation class in Japan since they are small.

An expensive English teaching materials are selling well.

I do not have time to let my children go to the class because there are many children.

I cannot afford to buy the expensive teaching materials.

But my children listen to music and watch an animated cartoon in English.

The English results in the school should be good, but want them to enjoy it without  Englishphobia.

Meine Kinder sind Husten und Schleim und gehen in ein Krankenhaus in dieser Woche.

Eine Erkältung breitet sich in der Grundschule und dem Kindergarten aus, und das Krankenhaus war voll von Kindern einer Erkältung.

Obwohl ich nicht vollständig von Mandelentzündung entweder erholt, meine Familie fangen kalt nach dem anderen.

Ich denke, dass wir die Impfung erhalten müssen, weil es die Jahreszeit ist, wenn die Grippe von jetzt an populär ist.

Ich studiere neben der Kinderbetreuung Englisch und Deutsch.

Es ist für ein Vergnügen nicht zu arbeiten.

Viele Kinder gehen auf die englische Konversation Klasse in Japan, da Sie klein sind.

Ein teures englisches Lehrmaterial verkauft gut.

Ich habe keine Zeit, damit meine Kinder in die Klasse gehen, weil es viele Kinder gibt.

Ich kann es mir nicht leisten, die teuren Unterrichtsmaterialien zu kaufen.

Aber meine Kinder hören Musik und sehen eine animierte Cartoon in englischer Sprache.

Die englischen Ergebnisse in der Schule sollten gut sein, aber wollen, dass Sie es ohne Englishphobia genießen.












Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Tonsillitis and cold Japanese house


My tonsils have swelled up from last week and I were troubled by high heat of 39 degrees Celsius.

I had a  sore throat, and couldn’t eat anything.

I had to cancel the nursing and milking because taking medicine.

It was troubled that it increased to have to do.

At last the pain of the throat is relieved to go down.

Because the cold days are increasing in the evening in the morning,

I changed into a warm carpet.

It is very conform and easily cleaning.

The friend who came from the foreign country says unanimously that  a Japanese house is cold.

Hokkaido and a northeastern cold area are not bad,

It is impossible to spend with short sleeves in most Japanese houses in winter.

It will be because it takes cost to deal with an earthquake and summer humidity.

A down jacket is sometimes necessary not to mention thick socks and a HeaTetch, fleece in the house.

Meine Mandeln haben von letzter Woche schwollen an und ich waren beunruhigt durch hohe Hitze von 39 Grad Celsius.

Ich hatte Halsschmerzen und konnte nicht alles essen.

Ich musste die Pflege- und Melken, weil Medikamente abbrechen.

Es war beunruhigt, dass es erhöht, um zu tun haben.

Endlich ist der Schmerz im Hals nach unten gehen entlastet.

Da die kalten Tage am Abend morgens steigen,

Ich habe in einem warmen Teppich.

Es ist sehr leicht zu reinigen und entsprechen.

Der Freund, der aus dem Ausland kam, sagt einstimmig, dass ein japanisches Haus kalt ist.

Hokkaido und kalten Nordosten sind nicht schlecht,

Es ist unmöglich, mit kurzen Ärmeln in den meisten japanischen Häusern im Winter zu verbringen.

Es wird, weil es Kosten zu bewältigen, ein Erdbeben und Sommer Luftfeuchtigkeit dauert.

Eine Daunenjacke ist manchmal notwendig, ganz zu schweigen, dicke Socken und ein HeaTetch, Vlies im Haus.














Thursday, October 26, 2017



Japan’s tradituinal faith honors seven deities of good fortune.

Ebisu is one, and he brings prosperity to merchants’shops, and statues of him always feature a smiling face with narrowed eyes.

There is the place called Ebisu in Tokyo.

The name of this area comes from Yebisu, a brand of beer Sapporo Breweries produced in a local factory.

The melody of Yebisu beer’s  commercial song is used to indicate a train departure at Ebisu station.

The honor the name, Ebisu Shrine was established there by transferring parts of the deity’s spirit from Nishinomiya Shrine in Hyogo Prefecture.

Ebisu is enshrined at about 3,500 shrines nationwide.

The home shrine is Nishinomiya.

Commerce has flourished throughout the ages in Kansai, so people honor Ebisu.

Kansai people call him  affectionately “Ebessan”.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Change of temperature in Tokyo and my son’s physical condition

In these days, it is cold like winter in Tokyo.

Though we were in short sleeves until approximately two weeks ago, we need coats for these past several days.

It is the expectation that a typhoon gets closer to on the weekend.

My daughter is going to go for an excursion and  dig sweet potatoes, but may be called off.

I want it to be fine because she looks forward to.


The little son is in poor shape, and his nouse is running and has coughs.

A lot of children of the similar symptom came to when we went to the otorhinologist the day before yesterday.

Because he suffers asthma his cough is severe even if only caught some colds.

I feel very sorry for him.

He is usually very  naughty.

I want him to  get better  because he tries inhalation hard every day.

In diesen Tagen ist es kalt wie im Winter in Tokio.
Obwohl wir in kurzen Ärmeln bis vor etwa zwei Wochen waren, brauchen wir Mäntel für mehrere Tage.
Es ist die Erwartung, der ein Taifun am Wochenende näher kommt.
Meine Tochter ist going to go für einen Ausflug und süße Kartoffeln zu graben, aber abgesagt werden kann.
Ich möchte, dass es in Ordnung zu sein, denn sie freut sich auf.

Der kleine Sohn ist in schlechtem Zustand, und seine Nouse läuft und hat Husten.
Viele Kinder der ähnliche Symptome kam als wir zu den Otorhinologist gingen vorgestern.
Weil er Asthma leidet ist seine Husten schwer, selbst wenn nur einige Erkältungen gefangen.
  Ich fühle mich sehr leid für ihn.
Er ist in der Regel sehr frech.
Ich will ihn, besser zu werden.












Friday, October 6, 2017

A trick to sitting straight

You have to sit straight a Japanese traditional room.

Seiza (sitting straight) is to sit in the correct manner on a Japanese tatami mat.

You’ll think that it is tough to keep sitting on your heels with your legs folded.

People who are not used to Seiza have a foot numb.

There is a trick to sitting straight. You can reduce the weight on your legs, and the numbless, if you cross your big toes slightly and sit between the open ankles instead.

Seiza has long been one of the basics of Japanese arts, including martial arts.

They say holding the posture tones your abdominal and back muscles, while slow breathing and relaxed shoulders promote peace of mind.

The position is also called “kashikomaru”, often used in the past tense to mean “certainly, sit or ma’am”.

It comes from the practice of sitting straight as an expression of humility in Buddhist and Shinto ceremonies.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Salt Ramen

I sometimes eat instant noodles for a lunch and a midnight snack.

Sio (salt) Ramen of Sapporo Ichiban is  one of the most popular instant noodles in Japan.


This type of noodle needs to cook with a pan.

That is a bother than Cup Noodle,  but I sometimes really want to eat it  so much.

Attached sesame is matched with the soup of salt.


It is very delicious as it is, but to put in milk tastes good, too.