Thursday, October 26, 2017



Japan’s tradituinal faith honors seven deities of good fortune.

Ebisu is one, and he brings prosperity to merchants’shops, and statues of him always feature a smiling face with narrowed eyes.

There is the place called Ebisu in Tokyo.

The name of this area comes from Yebisu, a brand of beer Sapporo Breweries produced in a local factory.

The melody of Yebisu beer’s  commercial song is used to indicate a train departure at Ebisu station.

The honor the name, Ebisu Shrine was established there by transferring parts of the deity’s spirit from Nishinomiya Shrine in Hyogo Prefecture.

Ebisu is enshrined at about 3,500 shrines nationwide.

The home shrine is Nishinomiya.

Commerce has flourished throughout the ages in Kansai, so people honor Ebisu.

Kansai people call him  affectionately “Ebessan”.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Change of temperature in Tokyo and my son’s physical condition

In these days, it is cold like winter in Tokyo.

Though we were in short sleeves until approximately two weeks ago, we need coats for these past several days.

It is the expectation that a typhoon gets closer to on the weekend.

My daughter is going to go for an excursion and  dig sweet potatoes, but may be called off.

I want it to be fine because she looks forward to.


The little son is in poor shape, and his nouse is running and has coughs.

A lot of children of the similar symptom came to when we went to the otorhinologist the day before yesterday.

Because he suffers asthma his cough is severe even if only caught some colds.

I feel very sorry for him.

He is usually very  naughty.

I want him to  get better  because he tries inhalation hard every day.

In diesen Tagen ist es kalt wie im Winter in Tokio.
Obwohl wir in kurzen Ärmeln bis vor etwa zwei Wochen waren, brauchen wir Mäntel für mehrere Tage.
Es ist die Erwartung, der ein Taifun am Wochenende näher kommt.
Meine Tochter ist going to go für einen Ausflug und süße Kartoffeln zu graben, aber abgesagt werden kann.
Ich möchte, dass es in Ordnung zu sein, denn sie freut sich auf.

Der kleine Sohn ist in schlechtem Zustand, und seine Nouse läuft und hat Husten.
Viele Kinder der ähnliche Symptome kam als wir zu den Otorhinologist gingen vorgestern.
Weil er Asthma leidet ist seine Husten schwer, selbst wenn nur einige Erkältungen gefangen.
  Ich fühle mich sehr leid für ihn.
Er ist in der Regel sehr frech.
Ich will ihn, besser zu werden.












Friday, October 6, 2017

A trick to sitting straight

You have to sit straight a Japanese traditional room.

Seiza (sitting straight) is to sit in the correct manner on a Japanese tatami mat.

You’ll think that it is tough to keep sitting on your heels with your legs folded.

People who are not used to Seiza have a foot numb.

There is a trick to sitting straight. You can reduce the weight on your legs, and the numbless, if you cross your big toes slightly and sit between the open ankles instead.

Seiza has long been one of the basics of Japanese arts, including martial arts.

They say holding the posture tones your abdominal and back muscles, while slow breathing and relaxed shoulders promote peace of mind.

The position is also called “kashikomaru”, often used in the past tense to mean “certainly, sit or ma’am”.

It comes from the practice of sitting straight as an expression of humility in Buddhist and Shinto ceremonies.