Friday, June 3, 2016

How to meet with a Geisha in Kyoto


Geisha is icon of Japan.

If you can meet one, it will definitely be the highlight of your trip.

But how do you meet Geisha?


It is hard to see Maiko or Geiko in Kyoto.

If you see a woman with full-make up and gorgeous kimono in the day,

she must be a tourist in costume.

There are a many places in Kyoto where tourist can pay to be dressd up as a Maiko and walk around Gion as a part of touring experience.


You sometimes see Maiko at Gion area in the evening.

They are offerd to engagement.

You must not force to take photos, call out to , shake hands with because they are going to work.

What you can do is just to see in the street.


If you want to meet maiko, there are some event or restaurant where maiko and geiko entertain the guests.

At the Kaburenjyo theater in Kamishichiken, there is a beer garden that is open to everyone during this sommer(July and August).

You can meet maiko and geiko there.


If you want to know more, this page will help you.